Tuesday, March 10


today we gave kim her belated birthday present.. it was a white BUM digital watch. from her expression, i think she likes the watch.. but becoz of the watch, my heart almost jump up. i accidentally left it in cyber lab 3. when i realised, MY immediately went down to find.... unfortunately, the watch gone.... finally i knew that MT had took it~ she purposely want to scare me.... i also completed my oral today with my partner... from last week, everyday i worry about the oral. finally, i got the chance to do ^^ i believe that SPM is a doom for all form5 student. i checked the subject list in school n today will be the last day to finalise. 10 subjects had make me suffer a lot... how my friends going to cover xtra subject? good luck for all the SPM candidates....


  1. u ar..
    next time bcareful allu thing ar..
    if other ppl steal u thing then u rugi\
    next time bcareful ar///
